링크 : http://lwn.net/Articles/396616/
링크 : http://marc.info/?l=linux-kernel&m=127474630527689&w=2
Finer granularity and task/cgroup irq time accounting
에 대한글을 먼저 읽고.출처 : http://lwn.net/Articles/335653/
sched: sched_clock() clocksource handling. There are presently a number of issues and limitations with how the clocksource and sched_clock() interaction works today. Configurations tend to be grouped in to one of the following: - Platform provides a clocksource unsuitable for sched_clock() and prefers to use the generic jiffies-backed implementation. - Platform provides its own clocksource and sched_clock() that wraps in to it. - Platform uses a generic clocksource (ie, drivers/clocksource/) combined with the generic jiffies-backed sched_clock(). - Platform supports multiple sched_clock()-capable clocksources.
- RootFriend
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