# active low, active high
예를 든다면 어떤 칩이 high일때 동작하고 low일때 sleep 모드로 진입한다면 이건 active high이다.
# assert, deassert
Given the copious context you've provided, this is just a guess:
assert: set a signal to its "active" state.
deassert: set a signal to its "inactive state.
If a signal is active-low, "asserting" that signal means setting it low and deasserting it means setting it high.
예를 든다면 어떤 칩이 high일때 동작하고 low일때 sleep 모드로 진입한다면 이건 active high이다.
# assert, deassert
Given the copious context you've provided, this is just a guess:
assert: set a signal to its "active" state.
deassert: set a signal to its "inactive state.
If a signal is active-low, "asserting" that signal means setting it low and deasserting it means setting it high.
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